Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Re: Progress Report

Hmmm, Mary asked how we are doing, those of us still working on our shawls. I wrote on my Serenity Farms blog about the progress of my shawl - if you visit the blog, scroll down to the entry Just In Time to read more about it.

Here is where I am at, basically - My Elegantly Simple Triangular Shawl has been sitting at my side, waiting for me to decide whether she will grow up to be a real shawl or be content as a shoulder scarf. I love the pattern, I love the yarn, I love the color play, I have loved praying for a precious friend (Dale - who is doing so good, Praise God!) while knitting...but I am still not convinced I love this yarn, on these needles, in this pattern - you know, the combination. Its bugging me and so I am trying to ignore my commitement to the thing. Do I continue through the few remaining balls of this one of a kind yarn to complete the shawl, only to find I dislike it even after blocking? Do I stop at the end of this repeat, block it and find out I love it and hate myself for not plodding ahead (and by the way, that would leave me with two balls of the yarn and not enough yardage to make anything else with...) My inclination is to forge ahead and complete the shawl. If nothing else I love the color of the yarn, and the way it feels, even if it does not do justice to the lovely pattern. Sigh....you will just have to stay tuned to see what fickle Cary decides (grin)

Don't you just love seeing Eve's beautiful prize winning shawl though? Congratulations Eve!!!!

I guess I would also have to say that what has been helpful in knitting this project, to me, IS the support and encouragement of everyone else knitting on the shawl ;)

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Wedding Shawl earns some ribbons...

Along with several other things, I entered the wedding shawl in the Finger Lakes Fiber Arts Festivalskein and garment competition. All but one of my items did well, earned a ribbon. But, what I was pretty pleased with, particularly cause my daughter went to the festival with me this year, was how well the shawl did. Here is a photo I took at the festival. Unfortunately it wasn't spread out to show it off properly, but safety was an issue and so it was carefully draped around the form.

And a photo of it taken shortly after I'd finished it.

Thanks to Jackie for a beautiful pattern that worked so wonderfully with the yarn I chose for my daughter's shawl.


Sunday, September 10, 2006

What has been the most helpful in knitting your shawl?

I was wondering if you have any suggestions/tips/whatever to pass on to others knitting this shawl?

I figure with the number of completed shawls, perhaps there is a goldmine of tips to be shared. Anyone willing to share?

Mary Hunt

Saturday, September 09, 2006

How are you doing?

How are you doing on your shawl? I know there are still people working away on their shawls, I'd love to know how it is coming!

How about a check-in? Mary D, Debbie, who else is still working on theirs?
